Useful Articles
Buying & Selling
- Step by step guide to buying and selling a boat - RYA - 13.7.2017
- Recreational Craft Directive - RYA - 07.11.2017
- Best Cruising Boats for 2017 - Cruising World - 15.02.2017
- Guide to buying your first boat - Yachting & Boating World - 18.05.2017
- Buying a boat in Europe - Yachting & Boating World - 29.05.2015
- How to buy a used Yacht - Yacht & Boating World - 1.12.2014
- Tip for sell a boat - Yachting & Boating World - 1.12.2014
- Buying a boat advice - Yachting & Boating World - 20.11.2012
- Thinking of buying an ex-charter yacht in Greece - 18.09.2009
- A short guide to Osmosis & Treatment - Passion for Paint - 01.09.2017
- Osmosis the professional treatment - PBO - 15.2.2015
- How to repack a stern gland - PBO - 22.4.2014
- Keel failure - Why do keels failures happen - Yachting World - 10.06.2017
- The Truth about Teak decks - PBO - 1.3.2016
- Different types of anchors - Yachting Monthly - 16.2.1015
- Applying Anti-fouling safely - PBO - 15.6.2017
- How to check keel bolts - PBO - 15.3.2015
- Sealing a Hull to Keel joint - PBO - 27.2.2014
- Charging two battery banks - PBO - 17.1.2016
- Lay up for winter - check list - PBO - 29.12.2015
Greek Rules & Regulations
Particular Yachts
- A closer look at Hanse Yachts - - 05.07.2017
- Hanse 445: best selling cruiser gets a facelift - - 19.10.2013
- Hanse 505 review - - 20.01.2014
- Hanse 588 review - - 26.10.2016
- Boat Review of the Hanse 495 Cruiser - Sail Magazine - 28.06.2012
- Hanse 575: Performance-minded sailing - Sail Magazine - 25.5.2015
- Hylas 44 - Blue Water Boats - 06.04.2016
- Hylas 44 - Sailing Magazine - 01.03.2009
- Hylas 44 - The essence of Hylas Yachts - Jordan Yacht & Ship Co. - 20.06.2012
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