Tonnage Survey
As part of the Part 1 British registration a Tonnage Measurement certificate is a prerequisite. The Part 1 registration gives an owner proof of title which can prove beneficial when dealing with financial institution such as lenders who may have a part in the yacht purchase. It may also prove useful when world cruising, as a high proof of ownership aside from the bill of sale.
If you are planning on obtaining a marine mortgage on your vessel, it is likely that the lender will insist on Part 1 registration. The scheme has a certificate life of 5 years. We able to provide our clients with a comprehensive yacht tonnage measurement survey service. And are happy to offer our tonnage surveys as a purely stand alone service. Our tonnage survey report provides the registry with the tonnage, dimensions that will appear in the register and on the yacht’s Certificate of Registry. The tonnage and dimensions of the yacht will determine the the basis for the calculation of fees or taxes affecting the vessel, such as mooring fees and harbour dues. Above all, it should be remembered that the survey is required on a production yacht to evidence the boat's existence. We perform Tonnage Surveys throughout the Ionian. |
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